Our Current Campaign
Celebrating 175 years of Josiah White's!
Alex Downard
Alex Downard, Implementation Director of Imagine One 85 shares how he defines legacy and the impact it leaves on a community. Thanks, Alex!

Andy Zay
Andy Zay, Indiana State Senator shares how he has witnessed the legacy of Josiah White’s. Thank you, Mr. Zay!
“To leave a legacy is to leave an impact beyond the current time or engagement with an organization. Josiah White’s has been a legacy institution to the Wabash community and the many individuals and families it has served and will serve.”
Biz Bishop
Biz Bishop, Content Manager for Visit Wabash County, shares how important a positive legacy can be to individuals and families!
“Josiah White’s has impacted me personally by bringing my adopted older sister into my family’s life, there isn’t a greater impact on me than literally growing my immediate family. “
Thanks for joining our celebration, Biz!

Brad Merchant
Brad Merchant, Lead Pastor at Wabash Friends Church, shares the importance of legacy and how he has witnessed Josiah White’s impacting the community!
“I have seen Josiah White’s impact countless lives throughout Wabash County and beyond. JW’s unwavering commitment to changing the trajectories of children’s and teen’s lives is inspiring. Personally, I have enjoyed relationships with several Josiah White’s employees—many of which are actively involved in the community of Wabash. In each person, I have witnessed integrity, mercy, and humility—all trademarks of Josiah White’s. I couldn’t be more thankful for JW’s impact in our community.”
Thank you for your partnership, Brad!
Brandt Downing
Brandt Downing, Josiah White’s Board President, shares how mission and legacy go hand in hand.
“Our time on earth is short and I hope that our service ensures Josiah White’s can keep fulfilling their mission long after I am gone. If I can play a small part in that mission continuing after my life on earth, that is an incredible legacy to leave behind!”
Thank you for your leadership and support, Brandt!

Christine Flohr
Christine Flohr, Executive Director at Visit Wabash County, shares how impactful a legacy can be!
“Josiah White’s has significantly contributed to the community by providing essential services to troubled youth and offering family support, education, and rehabilitation. Additionally, Josiah White’s creates job opportunities that foster local economic growth. The organization has brilliantly woven the community together through its greenhouse and cafe which provides a connection point for stakeholders and the youth who are actively engaged in the campus programs.”
Thank you for your continued support and partnership, Christine!
Colby & Sarah Stout
Colby and Sarah Stout, current Josiah White’s foster parents, share their goals for leaving a legacy and the impact Josiah White’s has had on their fostering journey.
“For us, the greatest legacy we could leave this side of eternity is knowing we reflected the love of Christ towards as many children and families as God brought to us. To leave a legacy is to pass on the same faith, hope, and love that we receive daily from Jesus, recognizing and honoring His image in the faces of these precious ones. We cannot keep His saving, healing power a secret when so many families need to encounter Him.”
Thank you for saying yes to foster parenting, Colby and Sarah!

Dave Haist
Dave Haist, Consultant and community board member, shared his thoughts on the impact a legacy can make.
“A legacy can be in many forms. It includes the impact we can all make with our “time, treasure or talent”. A way we can positively impact an individual or an organization is by sharing our time, treasure, or talent, helping to accomplish a better future. Legacy is the way each of us can give back in a meaningful way to all that has been provided to us.”
Thanks for your continued support, Dave!