Your home.
Your love.
Your ministry.
Whoever receives one such child in my name receives me, and whoever receives me, receives not me but him who sent me. – Mark 9:37
God can use these resources to eternally impact the mission field right outside your front door.
How can you help a child?
- Offer a safe and nurturing environment
- Provide emotional support and basic needs
- Honor the child by honoring the family
- Be part of a bigger team serving the child and family
- Share Christ’s love - maybe for a day, maybe for a lifetime
The Need
Sometimes families need time to put the pieces of their lives back together, and their children need a safe space to heal. That’s where foster care comes in.
While their kids are cared for, parents receive the services they need to overcome the difficulties they are facing.
However, there are currently not enough foster homes to meet the need.
Every day, we have to say “No, I am sorry. We do not have a home for that child.” As a result, almost half of the kids entering foster care statewide have to leave not only their home, but also their school, friends, and community.
“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” – John 10:10
There is a shortage of foster homes in every community.
Giving You Our Best
Because your family and the children you serve deserve the very best, we give you the best tools in the industry to equip you for this ministry.
As a Christian ministry, we recognize the importance of offering spiritual support, opportunities for fellowship, and faith-based resources. We acknowledge that as we seek to shine light into darkness, the Enemy is working against us. We believe in the power of prayer, and our staff members stand ready to pray with you and for you.
Josiah White’s offers the best training and skill building opportunities available to our families, and we hold ourselves accountable to the highest professional standard of foster family support.
That is why we have become an accredited Teaching Family Model program. This in-depth accreditation requires us to prove that we are providing the most effective treatment and skillbuilding opportunities for the children and youth we serve. It also calls on us to demonstrate
that we are providing the most comprehensive and purposeful training and consultation to our foster families.
As a Josiah White’s foster family, we will lead you toward certification in this model. We do this because we want you to be as confident in the “how” of this ministry as you are in the “why”. You can also be confident in knowing that your support team is trained in exactly what research tells us matters most. We are thankful to be able to serve you through this relationship focused, evidence-based, and trauma-informed model of care.
Our team is always available to you. Our foster families can call on us any time of the day or week, and we will answer.
The Three Step Process to Becoming a Foster Parent
Attend an orientation hosted by one of our regional teams.
Receive industry leading training on how to effectively foster.
Home Study
It is our honor to get to know your family, making sure you have everything you need to be successful in this ministry.
24/7 On-Call Support
Spiritual Support

You give them hope.
We believe foster care is a meaningful ministry that takes place within your own home. By saying yes to the call to become a foster parent, you have the opportunity to make an eternal impact in the lives of foster children and their families.
We give you help.
Because your family and the children you serve deserve the very best, we give you the best tools in the industry to equip you for this ministry. Josiah White’s is the only accredited Teaching Family Association agency in the state of Indiana. This investment ensures you get the best preparation and support available, and the children you serve get the best chance at success.
We give you help.
Because your family and the children you serve deserve the very best, we give you the best tools in the industry to equip you for this ministry. Josiah White’s is the only accredited Teaching Family Association agency in the state of Indiana. This investment ensures you get the best preparation and support available, and the children you serve get the best chance at success.

Where We Serve

Request Information
Are you being called into the ministry of foster care? Are you interested in finding out more information? Simply complete the form and one of our foster care team members will be in touch with you.
FAQs about Foster Care
- Why are children placed in foster care?
- What does it take to become a foster parent?
- Will I interact with birth families?
- What if I struggle with a child in my home?
Why are children placed in foster care?
Children can be placed in foster care for a wide range of reasons. Most enter care due to experiencing neglect, according to the Indiana Department of Child Services. Many have experienced abuse. All have experienced the trauma of removal. They are placed in foster care while their parent(s)/guardian(s) are given the opportunity, resources, and time to be better prepared to provide safety upon their return.
What does it take to become a foster parent?
First and foremost, it takes a heart that is willing to meet a child where they are and invest in them for however long they are in your home. Beyond that, it requires training, licensure, and commitment. Our teams can walk you through the specific requirements and how they may apply to individual circumstances.
Will I interact with birth families?
Fostering, at its best, is a ministry to the child and their family. Many opportunities exist to demonstrate love and compassion to families. Every circumstance is unique and the amount of interaction can vary significantly. Whenever appropriate, we encourage foster families to interact with birth families an share updates about the care of their children.
What if I struggle with a child in my home?
Parenting is not easy. Foster parenting is also not easy. Through times of triumph and struggle, foster parents need quality, professional support. Through industry leading training and 24/7 access to support you will not walk this journey alone.
Resources & Training

The Re-Moved Series
Experience the journey of a child in foster care in this 3 part series
Training Resources
Access opportunities for learning here
Build a Community
Learn how to build a community of support
Devotions for your marriage, parenting, and family to help you re-center on Christ.