Growing Teens for Life

Vocational Training
Prepared for the future
Every year, students leave Josiah White’s residential programs and begin life on their own with little to no support. They enter the next chapter of their life, adulthood, needing foundational work skills that prepare them for their future. The program’s goal is to prepare teens for life, so they may become contributing citizens through employment.
Areas of focus
- Work Experience Sites
- Nationally Recognized Certifications
- Vocational/Life Skills
- Financial Stability
- Job Readiness + Career Development
Growing Teens for Life
Growing Teens For Life is a specialized vocational and workforce development program that directly meets the needs of students in residential treatment. This experiential learning program uses a hands-on learning approach through practicing work and customer service skills, while staff provide direct skills training, coaching, and behavior modeling.
White’s Employability Skills Training (W.E.S.T.) is the foundation of the Growing Teens For Life program, built upon Indiana’s Department of Workforce Development. It consists of five segments broken down into eighteen personal skills needed for employment today. The five segments are: Mindset, Work Ethic, Learning Strategies, and Social & Emotional Skills. Job readiness is the goal for each teen who participates in the program.
Student Success Store In an effort to provide graduates of our residential program with the best chance at success, Josiah White’s recently established the Student Success Store as a result of a grant from the Don Wood Foundation. This is the second grant the Foundation has provided to the organization to support their efforts in getting underserved youths an opportunity for gainful employment, primarily in the manufacturing sector. To learn more about the Student Success Store click here!

Who We Serve
Ideal candidates for the internships in Growing Teens For Life are age 15 or older, are in need of work experience, and are enrolled in our specialized residential therapeutic programs.
Our residential therapy programs serve both male and female students between the ages of 11-19, who have a variety of therapeutic needs: trauma, mental health, substance use, unhealthy relationships, behavioral management issues, and family crisis.

Program Outcomes
The Growing Teens For Life program helps prepare teens adequately for future training and employment opportunities. Here are the program’s outcomes to date:
- 12 training sites for students to learn skills
- $150,550 have been paid out to students for earning certifications
- 487 interns have been through the GTFL program since 2020
- 13,500+ hours of hands-on training completed in 2024 so far

Ways to Partner
There are many ways to become involved in building this life-changing vocational program for at-risk teens. Together, we can redirect, rebuild, and restore lives. Here are a couple of ways to partner:
- Support annual vocational programming
- Continue to look for new opportunities and add additional programs and learning opportunities for students.
- Donate to the Student Success Store fund