I recently attended the Indiana Yearly Meeting Annual Sessions, and this year’s theme was from Psalms 102:18 which says, “Let this be written for a future generation, that a people not yet created may praise the Lord.”
This verse comes in the middle of a discourse from someone not doing well. He is crying out in distress and feels utterly broken and sees “Zion” in the same way with its foundations in ruins. Yet, in the midst of this turmoil, he knows by faith that the Lord will rebuild Zion and will respond to his prayer.
He states that no matter what he or even Zion are going through now, God is sovereign and will use this time in history for those coming after, a people not yet created, to praise God. They will look back and see how God worked out the situation. It isn’t only in our despair that God works, it is also in our successes.
This made me think of one of my favorite verses in the bible, Ecclesiastes. 11:3, which reads, “If clouds are full of water, they pour rain on the earth. Whether a tree falls to the south or to the north, in the place where it falls, there it will lie.” Now I find humor and a sobering fact in this verse. It’s fun to quote and seems pretty random, yet what it really says has impact. God is God. There is direct correlation to actions, choices, behaviors. Stepping back a little, chapter 11 helps put this verse in context.
Chapter 11 talks about investing in many ventures. To be bold and not afraid to try new things or even fail. It sums things up by saying we do not know what God will use for his glory, so try as many things as you can and let God work them out.
So we can rest assured that when our faith is in God, whether we are suffering or rejoicing, He is sovereign and can use it for His glory.
Listening during these IYM sessions to all that is happening, it is easy to see how God will use our current times to proclaim His glory to the next generation that is yet to be created. The reports are encouraging, and yet not without challenges. In the end, I am thankful we are part of IYM, and the work God is doing through this gathering.
By Andy Stout, Director of Donor Relations