Sexually Harmful Behavior Recovery

Promoting Healthy Choices
Specialized therapeutic program for teens
Youth in the Making Amends, Accepting Responsibility, Promoting Healthy Choices (MAP) program learn to develop healthier belief systems, make healthy choices (sexual and non-sexual), develop restorative sense of self and others and form and pursue effective future-oriented goals.
Therapeutic Services
- Moral Reconation Therapy
- Daily Treatment Homework
- Dr. Phil Rich’s Stages of Accomplishment
- Weekly Individual Counseling
- Phase & Level Systems
- Group Counseling Sessions
- Regular Family Therapy
The treatment team assists each youth in establishing an accountability and support network. This is accomplished by educating families and referral sources on individual needs, addressing problems within family relationships and guiding the development and implementation of protective factors and risk management strategies to help reintegrate into a community setting.
We draw from multiple treatment modalities including: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Moral Reconation Therapy (MRT), Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT), Relapse Prevention, Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) Informed Treatment and Motivational Interviewing.